Lachlan Milne
Direktor Fotografie at Finch Sydney
Sydney, Australien
TitelKaren Returns
Kampagne Make it Yours
Werbende FOXTEL
Marke Foxtel
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2016 / 3
Geschäftsbereich Fernseh- & Radioprogramme & Sender
Philosophie Love could be in the air for this couple as Sarah invites Ian over to her place to watch the latest instalment of 'Game of Thrones'. He naturally says, "Yes"... but there's a problem. A fifty episode-sized problem, in fact. You see, Ian hasn't seen a single episode of the show. "Winter is coming", intones the VO - not that it'll make much sense to our Westeros newbie.Luckily, with pay TV provider Foxtel on his side, Ian can embark on a mission to watch every episode before Monday night. As fans of the show will attest however, one doesn't so much watch 'Game of Thrones' as let it put you through the blood-soaked ringer.The TV Commercial titled Game of Thrones Date Night was done by Whybin\TBWA Sydney advertising agency for Foxtel in Australia. It was released in Mar 2016. 
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
Direktor Fotografie
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