Raj Hatte
Produzent at BBDO India
Mumbai, Indien
TitelShave Sutra
Kampagne Shave Sutra
Werbende Procter & Gamble
Marke Gillette
PostedJuli 2011
Geschäftsbereich Rasierer, Klingen
Indian men were finding shaving an increasingly boring chore. Men were reluctant to shave everyday, especially weekends. Just doing an ad was not the solution. We had to raise a nationwide public sentiment and response to change this situation. An insightful Nielsen finding - 72% of women find the act of shaving their man sexy - triggered the idea of involving women, and getting men excited to shave everyday.
Problem Men find shaving a boring chore.
Ergebnis In 60 days...more than 4 million new consumers joined the Gillette franchise.
The campaign got over $3.4 million worth of free media coverage.
We got 19.5 million digital interactions.
The mass shaving event broke the Guiness Book of Records.
Post campaign, 90% of women in the capital agreed that shaving is an essential part of foreplay.
Mach3 Turbo Sensitive, the most expensive razor in India, became the highest selling razor in India.
Medientyp Case Study
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director

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