Gito Lima
Berlin, Deutschland
TitelLoewe 3D
Kampagne Loewe 3D
Werbende Loewe Opta
Marke Loewe Opta
PostedJuli 2011
Geschäftsbereich TV, HiFi, Video
Philosophie Three-dimensional TVs represent a trend with huge potential in the home entertainment industry. 3D blockbusters are extremely popular at box offices, and TV channels are increasingly broadcast with 3D content. Loewe aims to accommodate this development with its own premium concept. Thanks to 3D technology, viewers will even be able to experience older movies in a whole new way. A teaser campaign is intended to attract attention to the planned market launch of the latest generation of 3D TVs with full HD LCD technology and LED backlighting in the first quarter of 2011.
Ergebnis Loewe turns an ordinary 2D movie into an unparalleled 3D movie experience. Unforgettable movie quotes from international blockbusters such as James Bond (“Shaken, not stirred.”), Star Wars (“May the Force be with you.”), Forrest Gump (“Run, Forrest! Run!”), Apollo 13 (“Houston, we have a problem.”) and Terminator 2 (“Hasta la vista, baby.”) will be conveyed in a whole new dimension – “a new reality”.
Medientyp Verpackung, Marke & Design
Chief Creative Officer
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Art Director

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