Philipp Weber
Creative Director at Scholz & Friends Berlin GmbH
Berlin, Deutschland
TitelAnica: Hairstyle
Kampagne Wear It With Pride
Werbende Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
Marke BMVI
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 10
Geschäftsbereich Verkehrssicherheit
Story The photo series shows models confidently rocking the dreaded helmet hair - thereby helping to set a life-saving trend. In cooperation with leading fashion magazines like INDIE and Numéro, the #helmethairstyle is featured alongside the newest fashion collections, editorials and leading designers. #helmethairstyle calls for all women to wear it with pride, making it less of a must-do and more of a must-have.
Problem Only 7% of women between the ages of 17 and 30 wear helmets while riding their bikes. The most common reason for this is sheer vanity or the fear of ruining their hair. To conquer this alarming statistic, we turned this fashion fauxpas into a fashion statement: the #helmethairstyle.
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