Claudio Migliardo
Agency Producer at Salado
Buenos Aires, Argentinien
TitelVW Golf GTI Fast Film - Slow Motion
BriefA lot can happen in three seconds. For the launch of the Volkswagen Golf GTI in Argentina, the automaker installed a high-speed camera into the backseat of a Golf GTI and filmed as the car zoomed past an elaborate 100-meter set. In the real-time version, it’s all a blur, but the two minute slow motion clip shows several different settings including a nightclub entrance, a city street and a factory. In addition to the two film versions, the company also released a behind-the-scenes film showing how the commercial was shot.
Kampagne VW Golf GTI Fast Film
Werbende Volkswagen
Marke Golf GTI
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2016 / 4
Geschäftsbereich Sportwagen
Story In order to show Golf GTI’s fast performance, a pilot drove a GTI that has a high-speed camera placed inside through a 100-meter scenery with ten different settings full of actors, in one single shot. The fast commercial resulted undetectable for human eye and worked as a teaser on TV and YouTube pre-rolls, which redirected people to watch the slow motion version at 
Medientyp Internet-Film
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Jr Copywriter Mariona Ardebol
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Produzent Connie Naso
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