Tom Townend
Direktor Fotografie at Somesuch
New York, Großbritannien
BriefThis campaign was design to put the hidden issues faced by many older people in the UK in sharp focus. The campaign sought to break the convenient assumptions many have about older people living happy and full lives, but showing the harsh reality that faces many older people.This was done in two ways. For our launch film we used a rug pull to create a shocking contrast between assumptions and reality, and for our shorter films we focused directly on the issues facing older people.
Kampagne Know what to do
Werbende Age UK
Marke Age UK
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2023 / 3
Geschäftsbereich Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Story From crippling loneliness to the loss of electricity and heating caused by the ongoing economic crisis, the stark hero film drives home the emotional and physical difficulties that elderly people can face on a daily basis.
Philosophie The campaign highlights the sensitivity and expertise with which Age UK helps older people. The series of films were inspired by real stories that Age UK has heard through its Advice Line, which answered more than 200,000 calls in 2022.
Medientyp Fernsehen
VFX Creative Director/Partner
Executive Creative Director
Stellvertretender Creative Director
Direktor Fotografie

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