Samer Shoueiry
Beirut, Libanon
TitelKeep The Flame Alive
Kampagne Keep The Flame Alive
Werbende Diageo
Marke Johnnie Walker
PostedMärz 2015
Geschäftsbereich Whisky, Gin, Wodka
Story In 2014 the Lebanese, who are known for their unwavering spirit of resilience in front of adversity, had given up hope in their country once again. We needed to remind the Lebanese of what they were made of. The campaign film was conceived entirely as a fable where a resilient flame defies a menacing storm. A battle of symbolic elements whereby the flame fends off increasing and incessant attacks of a storm jealous of its opponent’s courage. Triumphant, the flame finally says ‘Storms shall always pass but the fire inside burns on’.
Medientyp Case Study
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