Louis Enslin
Gold Coast, Australien
TitelSave Yourself the Drama
Kampagne Save Yourself the Drama
Werbende Adcock Ingram
Marke Viral Guard
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 7
Geschäftsbereich Medikamente
Story The common cold: one of man’s greatest afflictions, and boy does he let you know it. When a man gets a cold, any sensibility goes out the window and in comes the drama. He clutches his chest, moans in agony and is certain that he is indeed dying. While in fairness he might be suffering, the one that truly suffers the most, is often the special person in his life who has to take care of him.

In this radio spot we amped up the drama to epic proportions, sympathising with his care giver and offered her a simple solution to prevent the pain, before it has the opportunity to begin.

Medientyp Radio
Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Sound Engineer

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