Ben Brown
Creative Director at Epic Signal
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelLiv. - The Only Fully Digital Lifestyle Bank In The Uae
Werbende Emirates NBD
Marke Emirates National Bank of Dubai
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017
Geschäftsbereich Bank Services, Börsenmakler
Story The Campaign
When Emirates National Bank of Dubai asked us to completely re-imagine what banking could be for Millennials, we set out to craft a service that could inspire the same emotional attachment & habitual use as Spotify, Netflix and Amazon. So we created Liv. – the UAE’s first lifestyle banking platform. Unlike the form-filling, statement-heavy apps to which we’ve become accustomed, it feels premium and dynamic. Liv. adapts to you and your routine, getting to know your favourite lunch spot, your coffee order – using what it’s learned to serve relevant value, every day. Liv. puts life back into banking.
Creative Execution
One of the biggest challenges to an incumbent bank is legacy technology that powers the core systems. Liv. has innovated its back office tech stack by introducing data replication into a real-time database – enabling the bank to deliver an experience is driven by data and and an understanding of human behaviour. Liv. gets to know you, from the first time you use it. What food and entertainment you like, what activities you engage in. It learns you go to the same coffee shop every morning to pick up a flat white, it figures out you check-in at the gym every Thursday for your yoga class. Via the integration of partner APIs, Liv. delivers a curated feed of discounts, offers and experiences: taxis, shops, restaurants and gigs – all served up throughout the day, according to your location and activity. Your Wallet enables you to split the check, pay bills with a tap and request money from friends. Liv. categorises your transactions, allowing you to understand your spending patterns and manage your expenses so you can budget more effectively. All this, supported by cutting edge visual and user interface design that sets the bar for all other banks to emulate.
Liv. - the only fully digital lifestyle bank in the UAE. A far cry from the form-filling, statement-heavy apps to which we’ve become accustomed. Liv. feels premium - rich and alive, drawing users in not once a month, but daily. Far exceeding ENBD projections of 10,000 new customers in its first year, it’s now approaching 100,000 – eclipsing even their main bank’s new customer sign-ups. Users are very positive about Liv. too, giving it a 4.5 star rating on the app store. It’s reached No. 1 in the finance category and been featured numerous times on the discovery page. By learning about you, understanding your day-to-day and delivering contextual value, Liv. puts life back into banking.
When Emirates National Bank of Dubai asked us to completely re-imagine what banking could be for Millennials, we set out to craft a service that could inspire the same emotional attachment & habitual use as Spotify, Netflix and Amazon. So we created Liv. – the UAE’s first lifestyle banking platform. Unlike the form-filling, statement-heavy apps to which we’ve become accustomed, it feels premium and dynamic. Liv. adapts to you and your routine, getting to know your favourite lunch spot, your coffee order – using what it’s learned to serve relevant value, every day. Liv. puts life back into banking.
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