Nina Horowitz
Filmproduzent/Produzent at Kamp Grizzly
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelThe Drinkable Book
Kampagne The Drinkable Book
Werbende WATERisLIFE
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2014 / 5
Geschäftsbereich Öffentliche Sicherheit & Gesundheit
Story 3.4 million people die from water related diseases each year. But the even bigger problem? Most people don’t even know their water is unsafe to drink in the first place. That’s why WATERisLIFE, partnering with scientists and engineers at Carnegie Mellon and the University of Virginia, created The Drinkable Book. A revolutionary new tool that not only teaches safe water habits, it’s printed on technologically advanced filter paper, capable of killing deadly waterborne diseases. Each paper filter is coated with silver nanoparticles, whose ions actively kill diseases like cholera, typhoid and E. coli. The container that the 

book comes in transforms into a filtration system that holds the paper filters and collects 
the water as it’s poured through. Once water passes through, the bacteria count is reduced by over 99.99%, making the filtered water comparable to tap water in the United States of America. This will revolutionize water purification. The paper costs only pennies to produce, making it by far the cheapest option on the market. Each filter is capable of giving someone up to 30 days worth of clean water. And each book is capable of providing someone with clean water for up to 4 years. 
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