Juan Martinez Cima
Copywriter at Y&R Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentinien
TitelThe Rescue
Kampagne The Rescue
Werbende FATH (Fundación Argentina de Transplante Hepático)
Marke Fundacion Argentina de Trasplante Hepatico
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2016 / 4
Geschäftsbereich Andere
Story A Bell UH-1 helicopter flies over a war zone, when the pilot sees his fellas down there. In an act of courage, he decides to descend and rescue them, without thinking about all the anti-craft missiles. When the soldiers get on the helicopter, we discover they are regular people dressed like soldiers. The pilot rescues all of them and flies away from the explosions. On air, the pilot looks at each one of them, realizing that he just saved seven lives. 
Medientyp Kino
Creative Vice President
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Executive Producer
Direktor Fotografie

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