Ryan Paulson
Group Creative Director at BBH USA
San Francisco, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelOne For All
Kampagne One For All
Werbende The United Nations
Marke United Nations
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 1
Geschäftsbereich Umweltfragen
Story The campaign’s goal is to communicate what the SDGs are, why they are important and how everyone can make a difference. The campaign also provides a pledge platform to engage with the SDGs, allowing everyone to take action. The theme of “One For All” is that the task of bettering our world is bigger than any one of us - but it’s smaller than all of us. If every person commits to one goal (of the 17 SDGs), together we can make the world all we want, One For All. The creative communicates the mission of the SDGs to all 193 United Nations member states and their populations.
Medientyp Interaktiv
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Creative Director
Stellvertretender Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director
TV production assistant
Brand Manager
Head of Production
Kreation / Art Direction
Director of Print Production
Executive Producer
Direktor Fotografie
Motion Graphics
Produzent Post-Produktion
Post Executive Producer
Music Producer
Recording Engineer

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