Charles Flamand
Directeur de création at la chose
Paris, Frankreich
Titel (Originalsprache)Piéton (anglais)
Kampagne Behind the wheel, cell phones can kill
Werbende Délégation à la sécurité routière [ex Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation Routières (DSCR)
Marke Sécurité routière
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 10
Geschäftsbereich Verkehrssicherheit
Story One of the leading causes of major accidents is driver distraction, primarily resulting from telephone usage while driving: today approximately 1/3 of all accidents are caused by driver inattention, and since 2015 smartphone usage has become one of the leading reasons for the rise in road fatalities.
To ensure the situation doesn’t worsen - like in the US where fatalities caused by driver distraction rose by 9% in 2015 - we must act now.
Furthermore this issue, which is both a multi-user and multi-use problem, has greatly evolved in recent years: 10 years ago, cellphones were less ubiquitous and 90% of cellphone users simply used them to make telephone calls. Today, 74% of adults have smartphones, and they use them to check their emails, their text messages or their social media feeds.

We needed to respond with a campaign that draws attention to both the prevailing ways phones are used behind the wheel today, and to the various people this behavior impacts.
Medientyp Presse & Publikationen
Creative Director
Art Director

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