Christina Gross
Brand Manager at
Berlin, Deutschland
TitelKAYAK Travel Hacks
Kampagne KAYAK Travel Hacks
Werbende KAYAK
Marke Kayak
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2015 / 9
Geschäftsbereich Werbeagenturen
Story KAYAKBRINGING BACK THE TECH MOJOIf you want to search for flights and hotels, KAYAK compares over hundreds of websites so all you have to do is search on KAYAK. But did you know KAYAK has many more tools to make your travel planning and managing as enjoyable as the searching process. We developed KAYAK Travel Hacks, the global expert How-To video platform that shows you exactly what the tools can do and how to use them. So you don’t need to ask anyone else for their expert opinion.The videos were also accompanied by a tight media plan and global distribution strategy targeting the key people and places on all corners of the interwebs, so that we could bring the videos to the right frequent travellers most likely to find the content relevant. 
Philosophie A global content platform which features KAYAK's unique tools: Travel Hacks 
Problem Lack of differentiation 
Ergebnis Differentiation 
Medientyp Internet-Film
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