Marlon Fischer
Creative Director at HEIMAT Berlin
Berlin, Deutschland
TitelRegret Nothing.- About the grandeur in failure
Titel (Originalsprache)Bereue nichts. Von der Größe im Scheitern (Englisch)
BriefA boy cycles up a hill, keen to greet his father who is working on a major construction project. As the boy approaches, the man gives a mighty thump of the hammer and the entire building collapses. The boy is distraught until he sees that his father finds the while thing hilarious. Projects don't always go smoothly. Accept the glory of defeat and start again from scratch.
Kampagne Regret Nothing
Werbende Hornbach. Bau- & Gartenmärkte
Marke Hornbach
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 3
Geschäftsbereich Fachgeschäfte
Every project has its pitfalls and its challenges. It was time to shatter the image of the notorious hero, yet still have this character emerge victoriously from the rubble of his endeavors. Giving something a go, having the courage to try, and everything that goes along with it -- including the possibility of defeat: In our culture, defeat is almost sneered at and is not really considered an option.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Fotografie / Illustration

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