Philip ireland
Founding Partner & CCO at Ireland | Davenport
Bryanston, Südafrika
Kampagne First Aid - Total
Werbende Total
Marke Total
PostedJuli 2004
Produkt Corporate Social Responsibility
Geschäftsbereich Umweltfragen
Slogan Or don't litter
Story Littering kills animals. The plastic bags, wrappers etc cause choking and digestive problems that often result in death. In these posters we illustrate this by showing how to perform First Aid on wild animals.
Philosophie The reason people litter is because they don't really think about the very real effect their litter has on the environment. Thus we showed them EXACTLY the effect their litter has on the environment. We showed them that it can cause death and serious injury to animals.
Problem TOTAL has a number of gas/filling stations in and around marine and nature reserves. In order to keep the franchise, the environmental impact of these service stations has to be limited. Thus keeping litter to a minimum was a necessity.
Medientyp Plakat
Markt Südafrika
Creative Director
Art Director

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