Nicholas Hulley
London, Großbritannien
TitelAll They Want Is SHEBA 1
Kampagne All They Want Is SHEBA
Werbende Mars Petcare
Marke Sheba
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2024 / 5
Geschäftsbereich Tierfutter, Tierpflegeprodukte & Dienstleistungen
Philosophie A new humorous campaign delves into the irresistible allure of cats and their unwavering preference for the SHEBA® brand. Developed by AMV BBDO, the latest instalment of the "Resistance is Futile” platform showcases the lengths cat parents go to in their quest to please their feline companions, only to discover that All They Want Is SHEBA®. The campaign supports the launch of the new and improved SHEBA® range. Featuring upgraded recipes and innovative additions such as the SHEBA® Sauce Collection and SHEBA® Kitten, the brand aims to cater to every cat's discerning palate with a tantalising array of flavours and textures. A series of films articulate the insight that pet parents will do anything for their cat, and that all too familiar feeling of realising the gift they thought would finally land, is once again rejected. Ultimately, the spots depict cat parents’ willingness to indulge their cats’ desires, capturing that moment of mutual seduction. Directed by GRANDMAS through Academy Films, the films star Russian Blue’s mesmerising teal eyes to deliver the humour in a simple and engaging way. They convey irreverence, with a “knowing smile”, a “twinkle in the eye”, making it disruptive but relatable. In versions of 20, 15 and 6 seconds, the films will run on TV and social media. As part of the campaign, SHEBA® is also launching a "Redeem Yourself" sampling initiative targeted at pet parents who have experienced the disappointment of gift rejection. Through various social and digital platforms, cat owners will be directed to claim free samples of the SHEBA® Sauce Collection, ensuring their cats receive what they truly desire. Static posters, billboards and digital OOH will also impact pet parents through photography featuring real bored looks of cats captured by Dan Burn-Forti.
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Direktor Fotografie
Post-Produktion No.8

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