Jörgen Berglund
Creative Director at Volt
Stockholm, Schweden
TitelWe Go All the Way
BriefAs the debate raged in the U.S. over transgender people serving in the military, following President Trump's proposed ban, The Swedish Armed Forces delivered a clear message about LGBT rights during the Pride Festival in Stockholm. Part of the army's job is to protect everyone's right to enjoy love and self-expression. The message was unambiguous: we are prepared to go all the way. When President Trump proposed a military ban on transgender soldiers, the Swedish armed forces decided to take a stand with one single photo shared on social media. A pair of combat boots with rainbow laces quickly made its way around every social media channel, as celebrities, opinion leaders, politicians shared its message of inclusion. “Your right to live the way you want with whoever you want is our duty to defend.”
Kampagne We Go All the Way
Werbende Försvarsmakten (The Swedish Armed Forces)
Marke Swedish Armed Forces
PostedNovember 2017
Geschäftsbereich Beamter, Wehrmacht und Polizei Einstellung
Story The Swedish Armed Forces (Swedish: Försvarsmakten) is the government agency that forms the military forces of Sweden, and which is tasked with defence of the country, everybody living here – and our rights. As well as promoting Sweden's wider interests, supporting international peacekeeping efforts, and providing humanitarian aid.
Problem The Swedish Armed Forces (Swedish: Försvarsmakten) is the government agency that forms the military forces of Sweden, and which is tasked with defence of the country, everybody living here – and our rights. As well as promoting Sweden's wider interests, supporting international peacekeeping efforts, and providing humanitarian aid.
Medientyp Social Media
Art Director
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