Alexander Makedonskiy
Creative, Copywriter, Concepter at MAYD
Hamburg, Deutschland
TitelFEM Currency - 50
Kampagne FEM Currency
Werbende Paisley Clothing
Marke Paisley Clothing
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2018 / 3
Story FEM is a new currency for women only, which is worth 21% more than any given currency. That means women who pay with FEM get 21% more. To start, Fem is available at the Paisley store where you can exchange your euros for FEM. Like any currency, FEM has its own notes. They are specially designed with several security features to avoid misuse. Each FEM note highlights a historic female figure like Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Amelia Earhart, Jane Austin, Rosa Luxemburg and Florence Nightingale,  all who helped shape our society and pave the way for all women today.
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