Andrés Andrade
Creative Director at Freelance
Berlin Area, Germany, Deutschland
TitelThere's Nothing Comic About Dyslexia
BriefComic Sans is the most polarising font to date, due to its highly asymmetrical nature. While this irregularity makes it popular amongst the dyslexic community, it is also what makes designers despise it so much.By deconstructing Comic Sans, we were able to determine the characteristics that make it one of the most dyslexia-friendly fonts. Then, we used them to inspire a new typeface that adopts the same irregularity, except this time, in an aesthetically pleasing way.Inconstant Regular was created to bridge the gap between design and inclusivity, through its irregular shapes, three stylistic sets, and built-in variable accessibility features. Making it a font that can be tailored to fit infinite individual needs and desired typographic aesthetics.
Kampagne There's Nothing Comic About Dyslexia
Werbende Dyslexia Scotland
Marke Dyslexia Scotland
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2023
Geschäftsbereich Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Story You’ve seen the memes, tweets, reels, and posts mocking Comic Sans and everyone who dares to use it. But did you know that Comic Sans actually helps people with dyslexia to read better? Yes, the most hated and despised font in the world actually has a superpower.

So when our partners at Dyslexia Scotland asked for our help to raise awareness of the fact that 10% of the world’s population doesn’t have the right access to information, we knew just what to do.

We threw Comic Sans at the world’s top designers and ran.

And “why at them?”, you may ask. Well, designers are the ones who decide how things are presented. The problem is: they end up prioritising beautiful layouts over accessibility, and by doing so, fully exclude dyslexic people.
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