Joseph Wijangco
Casting Director at Re.Agency
Sydney, Australien
TitelStrangers in Conversation 3
Kampagne Strangers in Conversation
Werbende Uniting
Marke Uniting
PostedOktober 2017
Geschäftsbereich Karitative, Ehrenamtliche Organisationen
Slogan What happens when complete strangers sit down for a conversation?
Story Uniting has been providing services to the community for over 100 years. To show the incredible breadth of their community work, we brought together pairs of people that Uniting had helped, each from vastly different backgrounds, to hear eachother’s stories. From an initial list of over 100, 10 pairs were cast. As natural chemistry was critical, pairs were matched based on a common theme, such as identity struggles or the need to leave home. This nuanced casting laid the ground for real, raw conversations that showed the depth of Uniting’s work.
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
Creative Director
Direktor Fotografie
Art Director
Casting Director
Creative Director
Design Director

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