Regisseur at Iconoclast
Paris, Frankreich
TitelGrow Your Strengths
Kampagne Outdated Translated
Werbende National Citizen Service
Marke National Citizen Service (NCS)
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2023 / 2
Geschäftsbereich Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Story Accenture Song UK has created ‘Outdated Translated’, a new campaign for NCS (National Citizen Service) to upturn and reframe the often pervasive criticism faced by teens from wider society. The campaign shows how young people engage with a wide range of passion points from gaming, to TikTok scrolling, to mental health advocacy - and that these should be respected, celebrated and nurtured, as they provide teens with the foundational skills and strengths essential as they transition into adult citizens.
NCS helps young people aged 15-17 become world and work-ready by providing a platform for personal development through a wide range of activities and experiences - including local community volunteering, online and some away from home, to build confidence, employability, life skills and mix with others.
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