John Thangaraj
Leiter Strategie at FCB India
TitelNew Shindoor Khela - A Day Where Labels Don't Matter
Kampagne #NoConditionsApply
Werbende The Times of India
Marke The Times of India
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 11
Geschäftsbereich Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Bücher
Philosophie FCB India, in collaboration with Times of India, launched the second leg of #NoConditionsApply: a powerful short film that aims to change the Bengali Hindu ritual of Shindoor Khela from one of division to one of inclusion. The viral campaign, released in print and across social media platforms, is creating waves across the country, and has already surpassed one million online views. #NoConditionsApply is based on the 400-year-old tradition of Shindoor Khela, which is carried out on the last day of Durga Puja, an annual Hindu festival celebrating the warrior goddess, Durga. During this custom, married women come together and colour one another with vibrant vermillion paint (sindur), to both mark and honour their marital status. However, while wedded women traditionally unite in this social festival, others are forced to look on, uninvited: Among these groups are single women, divorcees and widows, as well as the gay and transgender community. As part of the film, Times of India joined one of the Durga Puja organizers in Kolkata to host a newly inclusive Shindoor Khela. Narrated by various unmarried women from the community, #NoConditionsApply presents the point-of-view of these onlookers, and gives them a voice for change. This new celebration embraces all women, regardless of background or social identity, to transform the long-held tradition of division into a tradition of sisterhood.
Ergebnis While #NoConditionsApply specifically focuses on Shindoor Khela in Kolkata, the empowering message of togetherness is meant to resonate globally: not only for all festivals in India, but for the world at large.
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