Viacheslav Sandalchuk
Department Head at BBDO Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
TitelMold 1
Kampagne Mold
Werbende Ukrainian Marketing Forum
Marke Ukrainian Marketing Forum
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2018 / 4
Geschäftsbereich Werbung & Kommunikation
Philosophie Knowledge gets dated. Earning your degree and quietly working until you retire doesn’t work anymore. The world is changing so quickly that it takes a lifetime to learn your craft. The marketing we studied a decade ago is already dead. In order to demonstrate this, we took Philip Kotler’s cult marketing book and millions of spores of mold, placed them together in a citylight panel and let time show off its strength. In order to get the project to work, we prepared a special layout for the book with perforations for moisture. We experimented to find a material that would allow the mold to spread. We created an environment that was conducive to growing the desired mold while preventing harmful bacteria from disrupting the mold growth. After several unsuccessful attempts, we had to completely abandon the use of toxic materials. We dried out a couple of mold populations and were forced to redesign the citylight panel’s wall construction. This helped create the ideal microclimate, from the illumination to the humidity to the temperature. In short, it was much more difficult than just leaving out a loaf of bread for a week and getting results. After a month of tests, failed attempts and disappointments, we found a solution. Our mold grew. Every day, it spread more. And more. The book began to look older.
Medientyp Außenwerbung
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Head of Design Studio
Account Manager
Direktor Kundenservice
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Product Manager
Department Head
Ambient Project Production
Department Head
Ambient Project Implementation
Chief Executive
Non-TV Media Director
Managing Director

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