Suranga Kavee
Viridu Singer at BBDO LANKA
Colombo, Sri Lanka
TitelViridu Alert
Kampagne Viridu Alert
Werbende Women In Need
Marke Women In Need
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2018 / 10
Geschäftsbereich Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Philosophie To address the growing sexual harassment in public transport, WIN created an app '2six4' that helps women contact their friends and the police with just a click. To create awareness about the app and fight sexual harassment, we found the solution inside the public transport itself - ‘Viridu Alert’. We collaborated with a famous local Viridu singer, Suranga Kavee and created a song that carried a strong message for predators lurking in buses and trains. It also encouraged bystanders to come forward and help. During their performance, Suranga and his pupils informed passengers about the '2six4' app that women can use in an emergency situation. For a change, Viridu Singers performed not just to earn a living but also for a good cause. Using Viridu as a medium we spread awareness about the issue and also gave people a solution in the form of an app, at their fingertips.
Medientyp Case Study
Managing Director
Creative Chairperson
Art Director
Agency Producer
Viridu Singer
Sinhala Writer
Account Executive
Final Artist
Art Director
Idea Creation

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