Björn Lindén
Göteborg, Schweden
TitelLondon Takeover
Kampagne London Takeover
Werbende Oatly
Marke Oat Drink Barista Edition
PostedNovember 2018
Geschäftsbereich Nahrungsmittel
Story Oatly was founded back in the 1990s and is based on Swedish research from Lund University. The company’s patented enzyme technology copies nature’s own process and turns fiber rich oats into nutritional liquid food.Oatly's purpose as a company is to make it easy for people to turn what they eat and drink into personal moments of healthy joy without recklessly taxing the planet’s resources in the process.Oat Drink Barista edition is based on liquid oats which means it isn’t overly sweet or excessively heavy. Works perfectly in coffee since this product can handle that without wimping out and separating.
Medientyp Plakat
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
Social Media Manager

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