Emiliano Alvarenga
Global Producer at Landia
Buenos Aires, Argentinien
TitelAndes Hens
Kampagne Andes Hens
Werbende La Casera
Marke La Calera
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2023 / 10
Geschäftsbereich Regierungen und andere Institutionen
Story We prepared our laying hens for a mission in the Andes: to help children against chronic malnutrition. Since bringing fresh eggs to Janac Chuquibamba every week is practically impossible, we decided to send laying hens instead. This way they will be able to have a daily serving of fresh eggs to have good nutrition. We prepared our hens for extreme weather in the Andes without using genetic manipulation. They can still able to lay eggs, ensuring optimal production with the same nutritional benefits. Working with biologists and experts, we gave the hens a special diet based on the limited food in the area and we adapted them to the new weather conditions. We provided 10 hens per family in Janac Chuquibamba, Cusco, ensuring everyone has enough nutrition. We taught families in Quechua how to care for and breed the hens themselves. To make it sustainable, La Calera delivered one rooster for each 10 hens and launched the Andes Hens egg package. Thanks to the sale of the product, La Calera will be able to make the program reach more communities in the Andes.
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