Mario Lagos
Chief Creative Officer at Sancho BBDO
Bogota , Kolumbien
TitelJoystick Test
Kampagne Joystick Test
Werbende Liga Colombiana Contra el Cáncer
Marke Liga Colombiana Contra el Cáncer
PostedDezember 2021
Geschäftsbereich Informations-/Hilfevereinigung über der Krankheit
Story The moves that gamers use to save many lives in video games can now help them take care of the most important one.

On the gamer's day, the Colombian League Against Cancer launched its new campaign, Joystick Test. An initiative for the new generations to acquire the habit of self-examination every month because they are also vulnerable to testicular cancer and breast cancer.

It was an idea to unite different gamers in the country to teach their followers the necessary moves to take care of their lives.

Together with all these gamers, more than 500 plays of the most famous video games such as FIFA 21, Call Of Duty, Fortnite, Mortal Kombat, among others, were analyzed the moves that match precisely with the step-by-step of breast cancer and testicular cancer self-examination were chosen.

With their help, video tutorials were built so that all their followers could learn the tricks they usually look for on the internet and learn the moves that can save their own lives.
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