
Maurice Charlentstraat 53/A
Bruxelles 1160
Telefon: 02 678 25 52




OMD Belgium

Maurice Charlentstraat 53/A
Bruxelles 1160
Telefon: 02 678 25 52

über die Agentur OMD Belgium

Omnicom is an inter-connected global network of leading marketing communications companies. Our portfolio provides the best talent, creativity, technology and innovation to some of the world’s most iconic and successful brands. We offer a diverse, comprehensive range of marketing solutions spanning brand advertising, customer relationship management (CRM), media planning and buying services, public relations and numerous specialty communications services to drive bottom-line results for our clients. 

Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
Looks like they’re busy! No notes have been added yet. Bearbeiten
The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Bearbeiten
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