
1625 Clay Street Suite 800
Oakland California 94612
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Telefon: 510 763 5200


Hauptkompetenzen: Werbung/Full Service/ Integriert

Gegründet in: 1986

Mitarbeiter: 40

Kreative Projekte: 8

Carol H. Williams Advertising

1625 Clay Street Suite 800
Oakland California 94612
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Telefon: 510 763 5200
Carol Williams

Carol Williams

President & Chief Creative Officer

Telefon: 510 763-5200

Über Carol H. Williams Advertising

Carol H. Williams Advertising is the largest 100% minority-owned/woman-owned advertising agency in the U.S. Established in 1986 with headquarters in Oakland, CA and offices in Chicago and New York, CHWA has been successfully tapping into the emerging multicultural market for 30 years. CHWA has successfully marketed an impressive number of strong brands in various categories, including banking, automotive, packaged goods, healthcare, tourism, and retail industries.;Our agency philosophy is captured in the simple question, “Whose eyes are you looking through when you view the world?” To successfully communicate, we must understand the consumer’s key values and attitudes – from their perspective. We must know how they see the world. We leverage cultural insights to drive and motivate our audience. We develop an energetic idea that motivates multicultural consumers and goes through to resonate with any audience.


Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
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