
Jequié, Brasilien


Av. Rio Branco, 498, Sala 1 - Centro
Jequié Bahia
Telefon: +55 77-3422-9420




Av. Rio Branco, 498, Sala 1 - Centro
Jequié Bahia
Telefon: +55 77-3422-9420

Marcelo Góes

Telefon: 73-3525-4570

über die Agentur Trio

IPG Health is home to some of the world’s most celebrated and awarded healthcare marketing agencies. We are a collective of 45+ agencies and 6,500+ people across six continents driven by a healthy obsession with marketing solutions that accelerate impact on lives.

Our full-service agencies and 18+ specialized units sit at the nexus of creativity, technology, data and culture, ready to help clients accelerate their business and impact on lives around the world.

In our mind, there’s nothing more important than health. That’s why we’re obsessed with harnessing creativity, technology, data and culture to create the next mind-blowing ideas that will transform health & wellness, shaping the future of health. It’s why we’re relentless about making science understandable and actionable, connecting it to human needs. And it’s why we’re obsessed with doing what’s right for our clients, their brands and our people. 


Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
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