
15 Malaya Gruzinskaya Str.
Moscow 123022
Telefon: +7 495 775 8500



M&C Saatchi

15 Malaya Gruzinskaya Str.
Moscow 123022
Telefon: +7 495 775 8500

über die Agentur M&C Saatchi


M&C Saatchi has over a 145 companies in 35 countries across all marketing disciplines.

Our business strategy is to start companies rather than to acquire them. The partners in our companies are therefore not just managers, they are owners.

We give them the freedom to grow and evolve and they in turn are trusted to show responsibility and respect for others.

This strategy creates a culture wherein people want to work together - have chosen to be part of M&C Saatchi Worldwide rather than being forced to be through acquisition.

This start up model allows us to add capabilities at speed and stay ahead of the curve, not just with an individual but with a new company of specialist talent.

Our future strategy is to change absolutely nothing, and absolutely everything.

The nothing – our 4 key principles give us strong foundations for growth - Brutal Simplicity of Thought, Diversity of Thought, Independence and Start Ups.

Everything – we will accelerate the breadth of our offering and the variety of people who we start businesses with, globally.

M&C Saatchi. Home to the Creative Entrepreneur 

Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
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The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Bearbeiten
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