Mobile Lifestyles

London, Großbritannien


69 Charlwood Street
London SW1V 4PG
Telefon: 07548 689 360


Hauptkompetenzen: Direktmarketing / Telemarketing / Datenbankmarketing

Gegründet in: 2013

Mobile Lifestyles

69 Charlwood Street
London SW1V 4PG
Telefon: 07548 689 360

über die Agentur Mobile Lifestyles

Mobile Lifestyles is a full service mobile agency that takes a different approach to targeting to provide end to end solutions. We believe in using factual offline data to populate the mobile online world.

Our unique approach allows companies to really understand who is transacting with them, whether it's impressions on a mobile website, response to a banner ad, responders of a rich media message or an SMS.

We allow companies to target accurately prior to a campaign and have a complete breakdown of respondents – a mobile single customer view. 


Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile

At Mobile Lifestyles we specialise in placing targeting mobile communications in front of the right people, with the right message, at the right time.

We have a unique ability to offer our clients a database of over 23 million UK mobile consumers with hundreds of lifestyle selections and powerful intentions to buy profiles. 

The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Bearbeiten
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