
Agias Fylaxeos, 1 KPMG CENTER, 2nd floor 3025, Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol 3025


Hauptkompetenzen: Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Gegründet in: 2016

Mitarbeiter: 50


Agias Fylaxeos, 1 KPMG CENTER, 2nd floor 3025, Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol 3025
Dina Volkova

Dina Volkova

Head of Marketing

über die Agentur Appness

Appness is a creative & media buying lab for mobile advertising that provides marketers with access to the human cloud: freelance ad designers and in-house advertising professionals powered by the platform’s intelligent ad optimization algorithms. The Appness platform was designed to eliminate the major problems encountered by advertisers in implementing ad campaigns and to support companies that lack expertise in user acquisition by streamlining and automating media buying processes. Headquartered in Cyprus, Appness works with talented ad designers from all around the world and employs 50+ qualified advertising experts.


Englisch, Russisch
Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
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