
Arnulfstr. 37-39
München 80636
Telefon: 089 2555 0400


Hauptkompetenzen: Business-to-Business

Gegründet in: 1991

The Growth Group AG

Arnulfstr. 37-39
München 80636
Telefon: 089 2555 0400

über die Agentur The Growth Group AG

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Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
The Growth Group plc offers a marketing and advertising comsultancy service - specifically to middle sized businesses (10m Euro T/O and above). Although it is a full-service agency, it's absolute experise are in business to business and BTL communication. Historically, the Agency is a progression from what started as an internal marketing and advertising department. The Parent company is in the venture capital business and the marketing department saw to the needs of the newly formed and restructured ventures. It soon became apparent that the ertswhile department could operate as an independent company, and expand outside of the group. The Agency is run on a brain-pool / network basis, i.e. a small management team (business and marketing consultancy, strategy, concept) and the bulk of the execution is contracted out to the relevant specialists (design, media, production).
The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Bearbeiten
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