
8 Poland Street 3rd Floor
London W1F 8PX
Telefon: 020 7165 9644


Kreative Projekte: 1

Realise Studio

8 Poland Street 3rd Floor
London W1F 8PX
Telefon: 020 7165 9644

Jade Caffoor

Telefon: 020 7165 9644

Über Realise Studio

We're an award-winning full-service post production studio, taking ideas from inception through to delivery. Storyboard development, production design, VFX, animation, compositing, grading and the creation of complementary assets, our team of leading artists work at the cutting-edge, making the technology work harder and making stories sing.;Our projects range in scale from TV commercials, to feature films and art installations. But we apply the same principles of creative passion, detailed planning, meticulous design and innovative techniques to every project we take on.;Opening up shop in 1996, we began life as a high-end 3-D studio, winning a clutch of awards and collaborating with some of the world's most exciting directors and agencies. We continue to push the boundaries of post production, working closely with the leading software houses to test and develop new techniques and tools.;Our in-house capabilities mean we can add value at any point during a job. By investing in the best people and tools, we give our clients a better creative experience and can achieve greater value for production. We offer leading concept designers, film-resolution compositing in Flame and Nuke, and grading in our 2k DaVinci suite.;Our recent projects are diverse, including high-profile commercials for Audi, BMW and Mercedes and experiential films for Land Rover and Hyundai. We've designed and built a striking animated marble horse for the Chemical Brothers world tour and created large set pieces for features 'Prince of Persia', and Pixar's 'John Carter'. And for the the relaunch of a Paris art gallery, we recently created a striking video installation based on our award-winning work for MTV.;With our rich experience of delivering complex jobs, and with our problem-solving approach to production, we've been fortunate enough to work with brilliant people, helping them to pick up recognition and awards and having some serious fun along the way.
Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
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