
Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


Frog Town 2980 Allesandro St
Los Angeles California 90039
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


Gegründet in: 2018


Frog Town 2980 Allesandro St
Los Angeles California 90039
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Über Unicorns&Unicorns

Unicorns & Unicorns is a BIPOC-women owned and led creative production studio that was founded as a proactive response to underrepresentation in the advertising, tech, and film & TV worlds.We don’t want to just offer seats at the table, we want a whole new table. We want to rebuild the table, together. We want to rethink it, restructure it, and make it equitable for all.

We are here to be inspired to inspire. 

Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile

We curate teams to elevate each project and boost the creative and production experience. From inception through completion we bring good ideas to life through innovative storytelling using our collective experience. 

The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Bearbeiten
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