Geoff Cornish
EP at The Salmon
Toronto, Kanada
BriefFisherman's Friend lozenges soothe the throat. And since fishermen are well known for telling tall tales, here's one who recounts the time he landed a giant shark, which happened to have a cough. Suddenly the shark coughs up his long lost brothers. Turns out they were the ones with a cough. "So I gave them a Fisherman's Friend." Fisherman’s Friend lozenges work. That’s the honest truth.
Kampagne Fish Tales
Werbende Fisherman's Friend
Marke Lozenges
PostedNovember 2019
Geschäftsbereich Süßigkeiten, Bonbons
Story To introduce a younger audience to Fisherman’s Friend’s iconic heritage; the fisherman and his trawler, we leveraged the well-know trope that fishermen tell tall tales. But during this fishing trip, the fisherman is actually telling the truth. And however farfetched his fish tale may seem, Fisherman’s Friend lozenges work. That’s the honest truth.
Problem Harkening back to Fisherman’s Friend’s iconic heritage, we leveraged the trope of tall fish tales.
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
Creative Director
Creative Director
Stellvertretender Creative Director
Executive Producer
Direktor Fotografie

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