Christian Fritsche
Directeur de création at Scholz & Friends Hamburg GmbH
Hamburg, Deutschland
BriefIn these spots we are thrown into the tragic perspective of a drowning child and experience the hopelessness of this situation. Because instead of calling for help, the children are reciting knowledge they learned in school, such as basic mathematics and biology. Because what they didn't learn at school – is how to swim. The shock effect of being in the never-ending POV of a child who is drowning leaves no one untouched.Every German knows the "Deutsche Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft" / German Lifesaving Association. With around 560,000 members the DLRG is the largest voluntary water rescue organisation in the world. With more than one million regular donors.
Kampagne Lesson for Life
Werbende German Life Saving Society
Marke DLRG
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2023 / 8
Geschäftsbereich Öffentliche Sicherheit & Gesundheit
Story In Germany, a wealthy country that considers itself highly developed, hundreds of people died last year while bathing and swimming in water bodies such as rivers, lakes and even in public swimming pools.Sadly, many children were among the casualties. The number of non-swimmers in elementary school age has doubled within five years. Around 20 percent of children between six and ten years old were unable to swim in 2022.The primary reason for this situation is the decreasing number of public swimming pools and the lack of swimming lessons offered in German schools.While reading and writing are on the curriculum from the first grade, school swimming is only mandatory from the third and fourth grade.This had been an issue for years and according to the DLRG, only 40 per cent of primary school pupils were safe swimmers.The regular reports of the number of people drowning receive obviously too little attention in the daily press. And the DLRG wanted to break through that.
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