Tomas Kauneckas
Fotograf at Ciklopas, UAB
Vilnius, Littauen
Kampagne Creative Directors
Werbende Lithuanian Association of Communication Agencies (KOMAA)
Marke ADrenalinas
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2015 / 4
Geschäftsbereich Festivals & Messen
Slogan Behind every good ad there's a good client
Story Adrenalinas is the Lithuanian advertising festival. This year we wanted to emphasise the importance of the client in the process of creation of the ads. By approving or rejecting our ideas, they are acting as the ultimate creative directors of the agency. For that reason, we decided to replace the creative directors of each agency with their most important client. 
Medientyp Außenwerbung
Creative Director
Art Director

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