Nofar Birenbaum
Kreation / Art Direction at BBR Saatchi & Saatchi
Ramat Gan, Israel
TitelHappy new year
Titel (Originalsprache)Rosh Hashanah
Kampagne Happy new year
Werbende Carlsberg Group
Marke Carlsberg
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2017 / 10
Geschäftsbereich Bier, Cidre
Philosophie As you know New Year (Rosh Hashana in Israel) is a hectic time on social media feeds. Greetings and wishes abound and if you've got a Facebook account, chances are you'll be checking in more than usual to see exactly who sent you wishes, sent your friends wishes and no less important didn't send you wishes at all. But Carlsberg doesn't compromise on the type of wishes it sends. So when Facebook announced a couple of weeks back it was implementing its live photo technology, we immediately understood that together with the vertical screen, we held at our fingertips the power to implement a new type of storytelling through the mobile feed by combining a short movie with live interaction. Carlsberg created 'The Best Way to Open the New Year' – an interactive 'Live Photo' based post that asks social media aficionados to 'Press Here and not Let Go'. Those who did, (live photo tech only works on mobile) were delighted to see they'd just set in motion a rube machine that ultimately delivers Carlsberg's suggestion to open a great new year with a nice pint.
Ergebnis Surfers loved our playful interactive experienced and engaged with our innocuous little post like never before. Engagement rate reached 13% - an all-time high for the brand whose record stood until then unbeaten at 9% J Our Carlsberg's Rosh Hashanah post reached over 250K people Got over 50K clicks Over 4000 interactions with 660 comments and over 250 shares.
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