Gabriel Araujo
Sao Paulo, Brasilien
TitelSymphony of Violence 2
Kampagne Symphony of Violence
Werbende A Sinfonia da Violência
Marke A Sinfonia da Violência
PostedApril 2019
Geschäftsbereich Karitative, Ehrenamtliche Organisationen
Story Even with the gun possession heavily controlled in Brazil, a person is murdered every 10 minutes in the country, most of the times with bullets. Trying to change this perception, the creative collective Unlockers has developed "Symphony of Violence", a project to provoke brazilians to break the inertia in front of so many news about fatal crimes. The experiment uses sound techniques and neurology, mixed with the facts, images, real weapons sounds and drums by Matt Sorum (Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver). The symphony was produced by Lucha Libre Audio (Brazil) and Drac Studios (USA) in a way to cause fellings like tension, anguish, fear and even paralysis - things that we should feel naturally in front of this violent scenario, but brazilians can't feel anymore. The full experience is avaliable at or directly at (better with the headphones on), where you can check also the posters that represent some of the crimes, produced with the the same gun type and number of shots that the real history, and more information about the reality in Brazil.
Medientyp Außenwerbung
Creative director

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