Seema Sharma
Creative Director at Edelman Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Niederlande
BriefPsoriasis affects 125M people worldwide, including half a million people in The Netherlands. Sufferers going about their everyday business with painful, visible red scaly patches on their skin and as if that wasn’t bad enough, often experience staring and disgust from others. Alarmingly, reports show that 50% of people still show discriminatory behaviour to those with psoriasis.The Dutch Association for Dermatology and Venereology (NVDV) wanted to change this.For the first time ever, NVDV subverted the images that the beauty industry propagates of perfection and designed a custom-made removable cream that mimics the skin disease, psoriasis – challenging the general public to experience the social impact that people with psoriasis experience every day in order to change perceptions and break taboos.The beauty industry makes millions from selling products that promise perfect skin. NVDV took the medium of the beauty product and turned it on its head.
Kampagne Experiasis
Werbende The Dutch Association for Dermatology and Venereology
Marke NVDV
PostedFebruar 2021
Geschäftsbereich Informations-/Hilfevereinigung über der Krankheit
Story NVDV are The Dutch Association for Dermatology and Venereology
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
Creative Director

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