Nurcan Bolat
Account Executive at Havas Istanbul
Istanbul, Türkei
TitelLogo Pollution
Kampagne Logo Pollution
Werbende Greenpeace
Marke Greenpeace
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2020 / 7
Geschäftsbereich Umweltfragen
Story Turkey is number 1 in Europe in plastic waste. Greenpeace Mediterranean wanted to draw attention to this issue with a social media campaign. So, the logos of municipalities of tourist locations that suffer most from plastic waste have been changed. Their logos were littered with single-use plastic items and reached out to people through their popular social media accounts.
Problem Turkey is number 1 in Europe in plastic waste. 94.8% of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey is covered with plastic waste and this correspond to 1 plastic waste in every 4 square meter. The consumption of single-use plastics has increased even more with the epidemic. Greenpeace Mediterranean has launched a signature campaign to convey to the Ministry of Environment, on “" and they wanted to draw attention to this issue with a social media campaign.
Ergebnis More than 500.000 people signed our petition, actually 525k+ based on the March 2021’s data. “” is still active. The hashtag #PlastiktenKurtul (#GetRidOfPlastic) became a trending topic and immediately picked up by conventional media. Engaged municipalities relayed the message with calling other fellow municipalities to join. 34 other municipalities participated in the campaign, which started with only a few volunteer municipalities. They also changed their logos and helped to raise awareness against plastic waste. We reached people by taking part in local and national news. Our campaign was implemented with 0 media budget.
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